How to Hit Life’s Curveballs Out of the Park!

Hey there, Resilience Rockstars!

Ever feel like life's pitching machine is set to "extreme mode"? You’re not alone. We’re diving deep into managing those wild pitches in this week’s episode (Episode 18) of “Becoming Tantalum”: Stress, Struggle, and Strategies: Managing Life’s Curveballs. 🎧 Give it a listen; your sanity might just thank you!

Swing Batter, Swing! 🏏

Let’s face it, sometimes the curveballs life throws at us feel more like wrecking balls. But here’s a little secret: it's not the curveballs themselves that knock us out—it’s how we swing at them. In this episode, I open up about how, despite rumors, I do indeed experience stress (shocking, I know!). It’s funny how people assume that as a Life Coach I don’t ever experience the negative side of the human experience. Or, because I don’t fall apart that I don’t experience stress and struggle. However, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve for keeping cool under pressure, and I’m all about sharing. I am far from perfect - just like the rest of the humans on this planet - but I do believe strongly in and have done the work necessary to not allow life’s curveballs to knock me off track. Let me make this clear - it is HARD. But so is what you are going through and sitting in it. So is getting knocked off track and having to get back on. You get to choose your hard . . . and I choose to face it head on.

Megan's Secret Sauce to Stress Management:

  1. Clarity Over Chaos: Ever feel overwhelmed? That's your cue to break things down. Get clear, get focused, and watch that stress start to dissolve like sugar in tea. There is power in neutrality of circumstances. There is power in understanding what is the ACTUAL vs what is the story we tell ourselves. There is power in CHOOSING your response. There is power in CHOOSING the thoughts and emotions you focus on.

  2. Resistance Is Futile: Struggling against the unchangeable is like trying to teach a cat to fetch—frustrating and fruitless. Embrace acceptance, and you’ll find much of the stress eases up. There is power in that acceptance. Please understand that acceptance is not the same as approving, enabling, encouraging or agreeing. Acceptance is what allows you to put energy into the “now what” instead of fighting what is. Accept the fact. THEN control what is within your control (your thoughts, emotions, actions and results). There is incredible power in your control.

  3. Small Steps for Big Wins: Overwhelmed by the big picture? Narrow it down. Conquer one small task at a time and suddenly, you're not just surviving; you’re thriving. Once you take a situation, goal, struggle and really break it down into the little pieces . . . you will find all of those pieces are completely manageable. It is your brain’s lack of focus, or focusing on the whole “forest” (if you will) that causes the feeling of overwhelm, hopelessness, and stress. Chunk. It. Down. Tiny specific tasks. Give yourself the gift of focusing on one thing at a time AND celebrating those little wins and progress. One step at a time, my friend. That is the only way you walk. That is the only way you run. One. Step. At. A. Time. Each step is progress - and there is power in that.

This Week’s Pro Tips:

  • Breathe In, Breathe Out: Take a minute (literally 60 seconds) to just breathe when you feel overwhelmed. It’s like hitting the pause button on your stress song. There is a physical response in your body and a mental response in your brain when you choose to take a few deep breaths. This allows you to destress, gain clarity, reset and get at it.

  • Move It to Lose It: Feeling antsy? A quick walk or impromptu dance-off with your pet can work wonders for stress relief. Your body is meant to move. Mentally - don’t “sit” in it. Move through it. Physically don’t sit in it . . . feel the power of your capable body making progress. It doesn’t really matter what you do - just DO something. Movement is the secret to MOVING THROUGH Life’s Curveballs.

  • Daily Dose of ‘Me Time’: Carve out time for yourself every day, even if it’s just a few minutes. Trust me, your brain will thank you. This doesn’t need to be a massage or a day at the spa. This can be taking the time to shower, give yourself positive affirmations, journal, belt out your favorite song, or getting those hugs you so desperately want and never take the time to get. If your tank is empty - you can’t function. “Me Time” is all about filling up that tank just a little bit at a time. For me, time is my most limited resource - and I know I’m not alone in that. I found positive music and podcasts help to fill me up. I changed my habit of listening to “pump me up” music on the way to the gym and changed it to podcasts I use for learning, for decompressing, for motivation in life. Those 15 minutes set up my whole day for a positive and motivated mindset. The gym . . . that is another form of “me time” for me. I get up WICKED early so I can have that time BEFORE my family starts there existence in the day. That is for ME. Find your “me time”. What could that look like for you? This is arguably the most important moments of your day because the ripple effects it sends out to those around you is undeniable.

Can’t Shake the Stress?

If your stress feels more like a daily soap opera and you're ready for a series finale, let’s chat! Sometimes, a little guidance is all you need to turn those plot twists into plot victories. Sometimes a different perspective, or new tools can change everything for you. Reach out to me, Megan, at (909)855-4755 or at, and let’s chat. I offer free hour long consults. Not salesy, not pushy. I am here to serve you - even if only for that hour. What I can promise you is you will get value from our time together regardless of whether you decide to pursue Life Coaching. That hour will be worth your time - and I would love to meet you. It is simple . . . call or text and let’s set up a time. Whether it's strategizing your next move, or simply finding your calm in the chaos, I’m here to help. Reach out today.

Tune In Reminder:

Don’t forget to listen to this week’s episode of “Becoming Tantalum.” It’s packed with insights and, dare I say, a good dose of humor amidst the chaos. Find it where you get your podcast fix and turn your stress handling skills up to eleven!

Wrapping Up:

Remember, when life pitches a curveball, you don’t need to duck—you just need to know how to swing. Stay resilient, embrace your challenges, and keep swinging for those fences. You've got this!

Cheers to conquering curveballs,



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